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Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

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What does the Ten of Cups Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Ten of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!

Ten of Cups Upright Meaning

The Ten of this suit traditionally signifies family and community, often showing a celebratory scene including many generations, crowned by a rainbow signifying the end of hard times.

See this vision -- love and support extending in all directions -- a huge emotional safety net for everyone.

Ten of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Ten of Cups reversed suggests that a group's collective good will is damaged and its safety net is fraying. Personal judgments and rejection abound. Things are being said and done that will be regretted later.

Someone has to make the first move in a more positive direction, leaving judgment and criticism behind. Mediation is called for in order to re-establish some mutual trust and support. This person will provide an example for others to follow -- or the team endeavor will dissolve. The storm which precedes the rainbow is not yet over.

Ten of Cups Advice Position

With the Ten of Cups in this position, prioritize teamwork over your personal goals. Everyone needs to feel they made a contribution. The crew needs to feel they are all in this together, and everyone needs to be rewarded when the ship comes in.

It's essential to follow a teamwork approach in order to maximize the benefits for yourself. The good will that will emerge from such an approach will last long after the project is over. You will be generously rewarded later if you take a selfless approach at this time.