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Four of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Renounce the circumstances that have brought you to a standstill.

Three of Cups Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck
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What does the Four of Cups Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Four of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!

Four of Cups Upright Meaning

The suit often named Cups is also referred to as Chalices or Hearts. It represents the emotional and psychic aspects of life -- fantasy, imagination, feelings, love.

A Four in this suit refers to a restless time, where a person may have become dissatisfied with life, and emotionally uncomfortable. Feeling stagnated, longing for change, the heart ponders its options ... as it should.

Four of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Four of Cups reversed indicates that you may not be making the reasons for some reluctance you are feeling clear to yourself or others. Some part of you is resisting the flow of events, but you are not admitting your own part in this.

It may be manifesting as a sort of foot-dragging or unmotivated, passive-aggressive stalling. Recognize this mood as a symptom of a deeper dissatisfaction and come clean to yourself about your real feelings. There is something to be learned.

Four of Cups Advice Position

The Four of Cups in this position wants you to take a clear look at how stalled or distracted you have become. You may have been bogged down by negativity, hopelessness or a sense of limitation. It is not to your advantage, however, to see the world through such a narrow lens. Cut through some of the forces that undermine you, causing you to feel incapable. Sometimes you have to define what you are "for" by defining what you are "against." Decide that you are not as heavy as the cup of earth, not placid as is the cup of water, not turbulent as is the cup of air. Rather, now may be the time to be as aroused as is the cup of fire. This arousal may constitute liberation from the circumstances that may have brought you here.

Four of Cups Love Position

The Four of Cups in this position points to a state of temporary stagnation in your forthcoming relationship. Your will may have dissipated for a moment, and your mind may be distracted from its true goal. A vague sense of dissatisfaction and malaise may be stealing your sense of well being and replacing it with ennui.

The image on the card clarifies what needs to be done. The calmer elements are dormant in the three cups at the bottom of the card: body (earth), heart (water) and mind (air). The mind is trying to stir, but the cup of fire coming in from above, which represents the will, will incite change. It is only through arousal, action, motion and combustion that the mood can be dispelled, and you can be brought back to your wits. Although there are lessons to be learned from asking yourself how you got to this state, you don't want to allow yourself to stay here long.

Four of Cups Career Position

When the Four of Cups is in this position, too many of your talents are untapped. Vast potential is languishing, dozing in the sun. Something exciting and focusing is required to get things moving.

Your inner life is begging for a new statement of purpose at work or in your career. On the one hand, anything is possible. All the raw ingredients for reinventing yourself are in place. On the other hand, without vision and a definite goal, change for its own sake is likely to be unfocused and chaotic.

Meditate on whether you are the agent of change or whether you are seeking leadership from another.

Four of Cups in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Four of Cups is a card of stubbornness and refusal. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Four of Cups, the answer is NO. Wait for a more opportune moment (or a more attractive offer).