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Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Fearlessly act on your convictions and others will be inspired to support your ideals.

Five of Wands Tarot card in Universal Waite Tarot deck
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What does the Six of Wands Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Six of Wands Tarot card in under a minute!

Six of Wands Upright Meaning

This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.

The Six of this suit points to the respect and acknowledgment due to you for your efforts to solve the problems of your community. The image is usually of a victory parade, after the celebrated leader helped troops win a pivotal battle.

It took the whole tribe to win the victory, of course, but it was the leader's heroism and clarity under pressure that inspired them to overcome. The team is thrilled that the leader led them to victory. This card points to a time to let everyone relax and celebrate -- if you are the leader, let them applaud you. They are seeing their better selves reflected in you -- a victory indeed!

Six of Wands Reversed Meaning

The Six of Wands reversed encourages you to agree to take a leadership role even if it's uncomfortable. Along with the admiration and privileges of a leadership role comes the pressure of people's expectations and a certain lack of privacy. You cannot hold up your good side twenty-four hours a day, so surrender to the reality that you will be more visible and accountable now, warts and all. Adjust your behavior to accommodate this predicament.

Six of Wands Advice Position

The Six of Wands in this position advises taking action on your most burning and passionate convictions, no matter what the social consequences. Continue to articulate and define yourself in light of the torch you are carrying. This inspires others to conceive some new ideas of their own.

You may find yourself becoming something of a leader. Usually the first person to break away from conventional thought is the one to define a new trend. Under the circumstances, there is a solid need for a fresh voice and vision -- so make your move. Those around you who are ready for change will support your leadership.

Six of Wands Love Position

The Six of Wands in this position provides an opportunity for you and your love interest to be on the receiving end of strong support. An opinion you had been keeping to yourself spoke to a universal need.

As you share your views, your potential partner can unite with you, volunteer to help and offer to provide a framework for your team. Your inspiration, enthusiasm and leadership are bearing fruit. It is imperative, however, that you design a plan of action -- don't allow a relationship team effort to plunge ahead without direction.

Six of Wands Career Position

When the Six of Wands is in this position, the situation may call for a charismatic individual who can sweep into the workplace, stir up the collective imagination, and inspire long term change. You may or may not be the one called to initiate the new project, but you do have an important role to play.

Align yourself with the emerging leadership. Your concerns could be taken care of by the momentum of the larger movement. Progress can be realized once all of the group's energy is moving in the same direction.

Six of Wands in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Six of Wands is a card of victory. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Six of Wands, the answer is YES. Think about everything you've already achieved in this situation.