Japaridze Deck
Based on the art of Parisian artist Nino Japaridze, the Japaridze Tarot uses surrealism, nature, Numerology, and the elements to take you on a bold exploration through the wisdom of the Tarot. Learn More

View All Cards in the
Japaridze Tarot Deck
Major Arcana

The Fool

The Magician

The High Priestess

The Empress

The Emperor

The Hierophant

The Lovers

The Chariot


The Hermit

Wheel of Fortune


The Hanged Man



The Devil

The Tower

The Star

The Moon

The Sun


The World
The Wands

Ace of Wands

Two of Wands

Three of Wands

Four of Wands

Five of Wands

Six of Wands

Seven of Wands

Eight of Wands

Nine of Wands

Ten of Wands

Page of Wands

Knight of Wands

Queen of Wands

King of Wands
The Cups

Ace of Cups

Two of Cups

Three of Cups

Four of Cups

Five of Cups

Six of Cups

Seven of Cups

Eight of Cups

Nine of Cups

Ten of Cups

Page of Cups

Knight of Cups

Queen of Cups

King of Cups
The Swords

Ace of Swords

Two of Swords

Three of Swords

Four of Swords

Five of Swords

Six of Swords

Seven of Swords

Eight of Swords

Nine of Swords

Ten of Swords

Page of Swords

Knight of Swords

Queen of Swords

King of Swords
The Coins

Ace of Coins

Two of Coins

Three of Coins

Four of Coins

Five of Coins

Six of Coins

Seven of Coins

Eight of Coins

Nine of Coins

Ten of Coins

Page of Coins

Knight of Coins

Queen of Coins

King of Coins
About the Japaridze Deck
Japaridze Tarot is a reimagining of the Tarot universe through the visionary lens of Nino Japaridze, a leading contemporary Franco-Georgian artist. The overall structure of the deck is consistent with the majority of those that precede it. Nino has intended to position the imagery in a timeless setting unconfined by the domination of any single thematic emphasis.
Each one of her paintings casts a new light on the topics and ideas each Tarot card traditionally represents. While Japaridze Tarot does contain a few deviations from conventional Tarot structure, we expect that none should hinder its usage by experienced readers and those adherents familiar with other decks. The titles of the Major Arcana are largely consistent with classical Tarot with only a few exceptions, which emphasize aspects of particular interest to the artist.
The card commonly known as The Emperor is here presented as War, an intriguing commentary on the authoritarian and belligerent characteristics that controlling masculine energy may embody. In a similar vein, the card that has traditionally been designated as The Hanged Man is recast as The Drowned to emphasize its aquatic connotations with the unconscious. In the Minor Arcana, the traditional suits of Swords, Wands, Cups and Pentacles correspond to the four Elements—these being Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Nino has renamed these suits more overtly in accordance with their established elemental associations and thus we have the suits of Winds, Fire, Tides and Gardens.
Japaridze Tarot’s most noticeable departure from customary Tarot lies within the Court Cards of the Minor Arcana. While the time-honored Queen and King have been retained, in this deck they are preceded by the Jester and the Stranger, two universal archetypes who take the place of the more familiar Page and Knight. These cards retain many, though not all, of their conventional associations. We hope Japaridze Tarot is as well received by the Tarot community as its images have been embraced by the art world. Our goal has been to be mindful of Tarot tradition but not slavish or imitative to it while allowing Nino max-imum freedom in her artistic interpretation and vision of Tarot’s incredibly rich history.