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Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Remembering that each person and event may possess a precious gem hidden inside. Make a conscious effort to find it.

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What does the Ace of Cups Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Ace of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!

Ace of Cups Upright Meaning

The suit in Tarot known as Cups is also referred to as Chalices or Hearts. It represents the emotional and psychic aspects of life -- fantasy, imagination, feelings, love.

An Ace of this suit in this position generally shows a hand holding up an overflowing cup, which gives forth an endless stream of water, wine, blood or soma for the people's refreshment and healing.

This card represents an unfailing source of balm for body, heart and soul. It suggests that you can relax into a safety net of love, support and communion.

Ace of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Ace of Cups reversed warns of a loss of self-esteem, optimism and faith in the abundance that the universe has to offer. Stop to examine what it is that is causing you to lose altitude. It might be the mental food you are feeding yourself.

It could be that you are putting too much attention on the outer circumstances and not enough on the nurturing energy that is available to you. Retreat and become harmonious within yourself, until you feel love and trust returning. Reclaim your faith in the abundance of the universe. Make no moves or decisions until you have cleansed yourself of any pessimism and negativity that are haunting you at this time.

Ace of Cups Advice Position

The Ace of Cups in this position advises you to challenge yourself and discover what is good about every relationship. Practice looking at the world through the eyes of the Divine. Allow your imagination to perceive the spiritual or evolutionary potential in every person and experience.

Look with the eye of a loving parent or companion upon the people and things you come into contact with. Make a conscious decision to approve of and delight in even the quirky developments that make the world turn. No one can be perfect at such unconditional acceptance. Still the practice will sweeten your day to day life. Your magnetism will increase and more loving people may enter your life. The whole world will benefit as this becomes second nature to you.