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Four of Discs (Coins) Tarot Card Meanings

Study the responsibilities you have inherited rather than just looking at the advantages they represent.

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What does the Four of Discs Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Four of Discs Tarot card in under a minute!

Four of Discs Upright Meaning

This suit, most often named Coins or Pentacles, is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. This suit represents something supportive that is available to you -- whether it be health, some kind of talent, a material or financial resource.

A Four in this suit has been used to express the paradoxical aspect of material security -- the two-edged sword of having been well supported and protected. It sounds completely idyllic until one investigates the real demands that prosperity places upon people -- the pressure of big decisions, responsibilities toward dependents or employees, and even tougher decisions in times of insecurity.

An immature person thrust into such a position would lack the perspective to sensibly assess risks and rewards, would be vulnerable to bad advice or surprise developments, and could even put the livelihoods of loyal assistants at risk. This card also can refer to the subtler dependencies that comfort encourages, allowing laxness and self-indulgence to quietly degrade one's reserve of will.

The character this card represents needs to move slowly and deliberately if change is required, as the consequences will affect more than just her or himself.

Note: In the English decks, like Rider-Waite, we see a person who is stuck in their misunderstanding of how the material plane works. He's afraid to let go of his four measly coins, because he doesn't know he has to give in order to get. When looked at this way, this is the card of poverty consciousness.

Four of Discs Reversed Meaning

The Four of Coins reversed suggests that instead of looking for ways you can help, you may be allowing resentment to get in your way. Are you are heading into a situation fraught with resentment, as if you feel you are owed something?

Instead of looking for how you can help, you may be worrying about how you are going to get paid back. Even if you have everything you need, you still feel impoverished. This attitude constricts the flow around you. This is not an insurmountable obstacle, but you have to work this out before you can make progress.

Four of Discs Advice Position

The Four of Coins in this position signifies a young person, naive and pampered, who has been left an estate. Think conscientiously about all those people whom your activities impact, including those whose work and effort went into building what you inherited and those whose welfare depends upon your right management.

What you have been given is abundant; still, it is not without limits. If you are prudent and responsible, the endowment will grow. However, if you are frivolous or foolish, your behavior could undermine both your inheritance and the well being of others who are connected to it.

In many decks, we see the image of a person who is stuck in his or her misunderstanding of how the material plane works. He's afraid to let go of his four measly coins, because he doesn't know he has to give in order to get. When looked at this way, this is the card of "poverty consciousness."

Four of Discs Love Position

The Four of Coins in this position suggests that you have been blessed with some kind of inheritance or assets that you are still learning how to put to good use. This endowment may be monetary or it may be some other form of generous support. It gives you a relatively stable base upon which you can build for the benefit of you and your next partner.

When you are fully aware of what a blessing it is, you can cultivate a feeling of gratitude and make the best use of your advantage. On the other hand, there is a chance you will squander its value. It's OK to be playful, but beware of irresponsible pleasure-seeking.

Note: In the English-school decks, we see a person who is stuck in their misunderstanding of how the material plane works. He's afraid to let go of his four measly coins because he doesn't know he has to give in order to get. When looked at this way, this is the card of "poverty consciousness."

Four of Discs Career Position

When the Four of Coins is in this position, it may be that a workmate or business associate has become the possessor of power or resources yet lacks the good sense or experience necessary to manage those assets. At other times, the problem is over identification with the bounty which can lead to egoism, ostentation or an unnecessary miserliness.

At the center of the problem is the owner's lack of a sense of self. If this were present, the owner would have more wisdom and understand how to use the available opportunities. You might be able to serve as an objective sounding board to help this associate regain balance. If this is you being portrayed, let this reading perform that corrective role.

Note: In the English-school decks, we see a person who is stuck in their misunderstanding of how the material plane works. He's afraid to let go of his four measly coins, because he doesn't know he has to give in order to get. When looked at this way, this is the card of "poverty consciousness."

Four of Discs in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Four of Coins is a card of caution and preparedness. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Four of Coins, the answer is NO. Focus on maintaining what you have, and consider any new opportunities with a degree of skepticism.