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Exemplar of Bowls (Cups) Tarot Card Meanings

Support others with your strength and wisdom.

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What does the Exemplar of Bowls Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Exemplar of Bowls Tarot card in under a minute!

Exemplar of Bowls Upright Meaning

Traditionally, representing the energy of a King, this card usually portrays a watery background, with a man seated on a throne, holding the Cup of Mystery in his hand. Occasionally, his cup is fulminating like the mouth of a volcano, emanating light, but never boiling over.

The man in this card doesn't need to speak to communicate strength, passion and commitment. Sometimes he is robed like a priest or shaman. Intense and intuitive, he is a force to be reckoned with.

Exemplar of Bowls Reversed Meaning

The King of Cups reversed is bitterly holding a grudge or some hatred -- withholding his natural propensity for forgiveness and blessing. This reversal creates an emotional vacuum around him and deprives him of serenity.

His prodigious powers of empathy and compassion are wasted in favor of rehashing the past and feeling sorry for himself. Dispel the storm clouds, admit the hurt, forgive and embrace. Let the sunshine of peace and benevolence back into the picture.

Exemplar of Bowls Advice Position

The King of Cups in this position advises that you closely examine your conscience and bring your personal mission into alignment with what is best for everyone. You can then step into your community or situation with integrity and an ability to communicate the highest wisdom.

As this sweetens the environment, others will be inspired to raise their own motives and intentions to match yours. You will be providing an important kind of leadership that uses strong reassurance to help everyone work together. The most persuasive thing about you is the example of generous behavior that you exhibit -- much more powerful than preaching alone.

Exemplar of Bowls Love Position

The King of Cups symbolizes the bestowing of blessings that serve like a refuge for your heart -- a lap of stability and support. A powerful, quiet presence brings a reassuring sense of order and peace to a coming relationship.

The King energy makes it easier to feel optimistic, to have faith in reliable support, and to express your feelings with confidence to your future partner. The King of Cups is the archetype of the strong, kind, and loving father figure. This is a powerful energy that you can call up from within yourself and depend on when the need arises.

Exemplar of Bowls Career Position

When the King of Cups is in this position, you may be the beneficiary of a respected coworker's approval and protection. This kind of attention smoothes your path and gives you added confidence.

This King brings out the best in people by seeing their true potential. Having such a well-loved mentor builds confidence. And in his or her presence, new creative associations emerge effortlessly. In a sense this person is like the bass line in music, setting the rhythm while anchoring the chord. His or her solid contribution provides you with the emotional courage to take a risk and expose your creativity.

Exemplar of Bowls in a Yes or No Card Reading

The King of Cups is a card of calm and presence. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the King of Cups, the answer is YES. Remember your own position in the situation and practice humility.