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Nine of Pentacles (Coins) Tarot Card Meanings

Realize you are free to create a secure, enduring, and satisfying lifestyle for yourself. Look for ways to share it with those who have helped you along the way.

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What does the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card in under a minute!

Nine of Pentacles Upright Meaning

The Nine of this suit points to a person who is financially secure enough to live comfortably. This is about someone supported by her own business, inheritance or property. This is one person in a thousand.

This fortunate individual has turned a historical accident into a personal opportunity. This is one who has the vision and strength of character to hold onto gains against all odds. Do not be fooled at the apparent ease displayed on this card -- the person pictured is at the tail end of a long and stressful process of winning the right to be taken seriously. All of this grace has been paid for several times over.

Nine of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Nine of Coins reversed suggests a period of self-discipline is needed to restore your energy and vitality. You may be enmeshed in a situation of dependency or overindulgence.

You may be getting a bit sloppy, not in full possession of all your energy and focus. The remedy is austerity and self-discipline. You'll be much healthier -- and happier -- after you have straightened up your act.

Nine of Pentacles Advice Position

The Nine of Coins in this position suggests that you prepare yourself for greater resources to be flowing in your direction. If you pay attention -- and keep the faith -- you can make a smooth transition into a state of well being and peace of mind. Hard work has brought you to a place where you could earn and receive grace, comfort, and freedom -- whether that be personal, emotional or financial.

Exercise your imagination and create an abundant, sustainable, and enjoyable lifestyle (or relationship) for yourself. Acknowledge the friends and others who were loyal to you during the difficult times. Gather your dreams and get ready. You deserve this happiness.

Nine of Pentacles Love Position

The Nine of Coins in this position indicates liberation from survival fears, freedom from worry and uncertainty. The traditional image shows a person who has enough, is taken care of, whose romantic and partnership needs are supported. The abundance she enjoys allows her the freedom to be herself and cultivate her natural talents and interests.

This is a wonderfully optimistic card that says you are starting from a well-supported position. Somehow you have placed yourself in a flow of abundance. The question is "What are you going to do with this wonderful, future relationship opportunity?"

Nine of Pentacles Career Position

When the Nine of Coins is in this position, it means you may be generously supported now and freed up to increase your experience, knowledge and ability in your chosen career path. All that is required from you is to thrive and flourish. What a great trade-off! Very few get to have such a situation, so if it occurs take appropriate advantage and pursue your ideas and experiments.

Remember to stay humble. Be receptive to the benefits and the opportunities and make sure you give fair value in return. There is no reason this mutual support ever has to dim, if every one can remember how far they have come and how good they have it now.

Nine of Pentacles in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Nine of Coins is a card of pride and triumph. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Nine of Coins, the answer is YES. See your own history of success as an asset in this situation.