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Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

The best faculties to use in this situation are the intuitive ones.

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What does the Nine of Cups Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!

Nine of Cups Upright Meaning

The Nine of this suit is sometimes titled Happiness, but it is also known as Victory. The image on several versions of this card often shows an innkeeper doing a brisk business and feeling very happy about it all.

The rewards of high achievement are not all monetary, however. This happiness also refers to the feelings of fulfillment that come from good service to the community and support of one's family, as well as gratitude for all the blessings in one's life.

Nine of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Nine of Cups reversed suggests that you are getting what you thought you wanted, but it's not what you really want at all. The defect may not be in the thing itself, but in the surprise of discovering that your dream come true doesn't make you feel like you expected it would.

This is an essential lesson in life. When you set a goal, specify how you want it to feel in your life, not just what you want to be, do or have. You will get much more fulfillment from your manifestations if you go about it in this way.

Nine of Cups Advice Position

The Nine of Cups in this position advises that you open yourself to circumstances around you. There may be no need to manage a situation that does not require a lot of control or leadership. The tone of the moment is heartfelt and bonded. It is nurturing. Open up and choose to be receptive. Proceed from your heart, relying on your intuition. This is your truest source of information right now.

Allow yourself to be attracted to what feels supportive. Avoid what feels harsh, critical and judgmental. If this requires that you change your style, so be it. The results of being intuitive are generally far superior to the results of being emotionally guarded and overly rational.

Nine of Cups Love Position

When the Nine of Cups comes up in this position, you may finally be where you had hoped and dreamed to be. You may be savoring a sense of fulfillment, peace and joy with your desired love interest from having achieved your goal. Now you can also look forward to a window of relief from worry, anxiety and fear.

This card indicates healing, great pleasure and a sense of vindication. It feels as if you are a wanted child in an opportune and abundant universe. It's well worth whatever labors you had to go through to enjoy this feeling of satisfaction. Your heart is full of gratitude.

Nine of Cups Career Position

When the Nine of Cups is in this position, your working group or career goals may have brought a stressful and taxing project to completion. And it may have compelled you and others to pull together, shelving your differences in the process. Each of you has placed your energy and your knowledge in a collective pool. In turn, this may have brought you to the promised land against all odds.

At the heart of the joy in this card is the unity that comes from the realization of shared dreams. Positive, abundant, and optimistic feelings are ties that bind. Few human experiences are more pleasurable than being able to make a constructive difference in the world. With this group around you, you may be able to accomplish all your goals. This card calls for a celebration, a toast, a round of applause and acknowledgment for the people involved. Each of you has done your best.

Nine of Cups in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Nine of Cups is a card of wishes and expectation. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Nine of Cups, the answer is YES. Welcome in new opportunities with open arms.