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Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Allow yourself to daydream, for dreams give you creative ideas and solutions and produce wonderful results.

Six of Cups Tarot card in Motherpeace Tarot Tarot deck
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What does the Seven of Cups Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Seven of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!

Seven of Cups Upright Meaning

The Seven of this suit typically refers to works of the imagination, the use of dream and vision to invent a future different than the life one is currently living. This card reminds us that our outcomes are not set in stone.

We can raise our hopes and expectations and upgrade our results. Do not be fooled by the title Fantasy which this card is sometimes given -- this card indicates the truly magical quality of awakened imagination.

Seven of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Seven of Cups reversed reminds you to reawaken to playfulness, joy and curiosity. Perhaps a lack of purpose is having a deadening effect. It's almost as if it is saying that you have forgotten how to dream. As a result, mind and imagination can become dry as a desert where only the harsh light of material reality can penetrate. In such a case, there is no golden glow, there is no higher purpose or magic spark.

This is a state of mind that no one should tolerate for long. Find something that restimulates your endorphins -- whether taking a long walk and breathing deep, buying a bouquet of roses and lilies for your kitchen table, or making contact (perhaps through art or meditation) with something good, true and beautiful. Take that step immediately and relieve yourself of the deadening flatness.

Seven of Cups Advice Position

The Seven of Cups in this position advises that you relax your mind and open to the dreams and imaginings your inner child loves to entertain. Allow yourself to imagine a truly positive outcome for this situation. Perform an exercise in creative visualization by relaxing your guard and letting go of your fears.

As the dreamscape unfolds, your electro-magnetic chemistry is stimulated to a point of achieving greater confidence in yourself and in what you are doing. Even if it's only a temporary break from your fears, this is a helpful exercise because it gives your psyche and body a dose of unlimited thinking and optimism. Think positively -- the results could truly be amazing.

Seven of Cups Love Position

With the Seven of this suit in this position, more than one special relationship may be available to you, and you have the freedom as to which one you choose. It might seem that a couple of your options are equally good, but in truth there is one that is best for you. It would be the one that is most inspiring, most energizing and heart-warming. Go with that one.

The subtle lesson with this card in this position is in recognizing what resonates most strongly with your dreams from a number of possibilities. Which choice will best reflect your most authentic Self?

Seven of Cups Career Position

When the Seven of Cups is in this position, you may be entering a climate of affirmation and opportunity, perhaps in direct contrast to what has gone before. It may seem as if you have broken into a clearing after hacking your way through a thicket. The possibilities could be so lush it's almost embarrassing although not all of them can be acted upon, so do not let it go to your head.

Be sensible. You have to know yourself well enough to determine which of the possibilities is best for you and choose that one wholeheartedly. There will be no looking back. Sharpen your powers of discrimination and use your intuition. Then, when the time is right, follow your heart.

Seven of Cups in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Seven of Cups is a card of indecision. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Seven of Cups, the answer is NO. Pause until you've got more information.