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Six of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Look at your past as a repository of wisdom to be applied judiciously in the present.

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What does the Six of Cups Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Six of Cups Tarot card in under a minute!

Six of Cups Upright Meaning

The Six of this suit generally represents a refreshing openness and innocence, a willingness to learn and an optimism that things will get better as we advance together in understanding. The traditional title, The Past, reminds us of our original nature, when we were young and enthusiastic, when anything was possible and the future was an open book. We are to remember that this same freshness, those new possibilities, are always available to us, even now.

Six of Cups Reversed Meaning

With the Six of Cups reversed, you can finally close accounts with the emotional undertow that has been part of your life. You can now revisit those wounded places calmly, without the fear that you will be drawn back in.

There is no lingering emotional residue or entrenched nostalgia remaining. You have finally digested those past experiences. They can now be put to rest.

Six of Cups Advice Position

When the Six of Cups is in this position, take a look at what is repetitive or cyclical in your life; what links the present situation to the last such experience. A new beginning requires new energy and concentration. Until you analyze the past, you will continue to drift with its current.

Distill everything that is worthwhile from your memories and get as much value from it as you can. Then use this as motivation for change. Make the very best use of hindsight, employing new strategies and trying new angles on these recurring issues.

Six of Cups Love Position

The Six of Cups symbolizes nostalgia and its power, illustrating two sides of your nature. When you look back at the past, your emotions soften. This may make you feel tender, open and sentimental. When you look to the future, you know your will must harden. You need to be more powerful, directing the flow rather than following.

The past was a time when you were younger and lighter. It also was a time when partnership and romantic issues were less complex and confusing. You were not empowered in the way you are now, however. The present is full of fresh potential while the past is two-dimensional, a snapshot of times gone by. It's fine to enjoy nostalgia and sentimentality, but when you have finished refreshing yourself in the waters of memory, come back to the present with energy for a new intimate relationship, where your scope is so much broader.

Six of Cups Career Position

When the Six of Cups is in this position, current events at work or in your career may be powerfully reminiscent of the past, causing you to recall long forgotten places, faces and feelings. A major insight is stored within these memories and something about the present circumstance is triggering it.

Compare what you feel now to what you have felt in similar circumstances previously. We can never be sure what memory will bring back. Still, we can trust the memory to connect us to things and events through emotional resonance. Asking yourself what is familiar in this situation will help you evaluate and understand the significance of what you are in the middle of now.

Six of Cups in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Six of Cups is a card of innocence and nostalgia. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Six of Cups, the answer is YES. Get in touch with your inner child as you move forward.