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Strength Tarot Card Meanings

Clearly distinguish between your ego and your intuitive self.

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What does the Strength Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Strength Tarot card in under a minute!

Strength Upright Meaning

The Strength Tarot card represents nature, which, however wild in its primal form, is tamed by our subtler, finer self -- our feminine side, our inner self. The will and passion of our instinctive nature does not need to be broken, but refined and brought to consciousness, so that all levels of creation may come into harmony.

The feminine soul-force contains a persuasive power that can nurture and induce cooperation from others, stilling disruptive energies by harmonizing differences in the spirit of collective good will.

Strength Reversed Meaning

The Strength card reversed suggests that you are in a position where you have little power to affect behavior. No amount of modeling, persuasion or leadership will affect the out-of-control, untamed force that is set loose.

Subtleties are overlooked, and the inducements which have served in the past to reward order may meet with scorn. You may have to lay low and do what you can to preserve yourself, and let this upside down time blow over.

Strength Advice Position

The Strength card advises that you assertively discipline yourself and separate self interest from enlightened wisdom. Deliberately identify with your intuition, even if it works against the desires of your willful ego.

Demand and expect the same from others who have some power in this situation. You cannot challenge them to live to a higher standard if you, yourself, have not yet done so. Influence others by setting an example of integrity. Your self-esteem will increase to the degree that you succeed in your efforts.

Strength Love Position

The Strength card in this position compliments your ability to sublimate emotionality, impulsiveness, and instinctive urges. This is a taming force, which raises behavior standards and models higher levels of composure, grounding and centering -- even with a possible romantic partner.

In this card's traditional image, a female figure with a lion shows the power of intuition at work -- a subtle sensual, telepathic ability that can transmit nonverbal signals and evoke an appropriate response. Strength signifies a superior energy that neutralizes conflict and ushers in harmony and cooperation.

Strength Career Position

The Strength card suggests it may be necessary that the person who is the far seeing harmonizing force among you be the one to provide the direction right now. With all due respect to the parties involved, this person will be more likely to address the conflicts in the workplace and evenhandedly point out the greater good, without their own personal agenda getting in the way. The ability to do this for oneself is a mark of maturity. The ability to help others in this way is a gift.

There is not room right now for mad passions, temper, rivalries or even ambient disgruntlement. The situation at work calls out for an individual who can bridge the gap between different kinds of consciousness. All instinctive and egotistical motives must be transformed into a broader view. If you are not personally the taming force portrayed on this card, then at least do not resist the one who is!

Strength in a Yes or No Card Reading

Strength is a card of vulnerability and courage. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive Strength, the answer is YES. Speak from the heart and trust others to meet you with support.