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Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Protect yourself while the storm rages and focus on rebuilding after it passes.

Nine of Swords Tarot card in Modern Witch Tarot deck
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What does the Ten of Swords Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Ten of Swords Tarot card in under a minute!

Ten of Swords Upright Meaning

The Ten of this suit represents finality, the end of something. As is easy to grasp from the picture in many decks, there is no hope for revival here. A limit has been reached, a line has been crossed and there is no turning back. In some situations this may be felt as a tragic loss, but it often brings with it a paradoxical sense of release and closure. The waiting and wondering are over. There is no more ambiguity. You can rightly let go and move on, as there is no more progress to be made here.

Emotionally and psychologically, this card appears when one is exhausted and used up, burnt out by the effort of caring and responding and trying to make a difference. When a person feels this way, they have reached burnout and can no longer be held responsible for anything, and therefore can be forgiven for caving in or ceding the fight. The simple instructions are: "Go no further along these lines!"

Ten of Swords Reversed Meaning

The Ten of Swords is reversed suggests that you may have been over-dramatizing your predicament. In an attempt to get sympathy and understanding from others, you have begun to believe your own stories and excuses.

Ask yourself what you would do if there were no one around to sympathize with you. Would you be making a faster recovery? If you reframe your situation to emphasize the chance to start fresh, things won't seem so bad. Consider the possibility that you are indulging in drama; take a more accurate look at your situation.

Ten of Swords Advice Position

The Ten of Swords in this position advises that you lay low for a while. Don't make a move. Keep yourself as safe as possible until the drama, even the possible trauma, plays itself out. Once the turmoil dies down, then you can assess the damage and start to make repairs. The situation can be compared to a hurricane moving through the neighborhood. You can't be sure whether it is going to pass over a corner of the field or whether it is going to slam into your house.

In the face of such unpredictability, protect yourself, hope for the best and wait it out. Sometimes, an extreme turn of events serves as a pressure relief valve for all the unexpressed and unresolved energy that had been building up. Trust the process even though things may seem pretty drastic right now.

Ten of Swords Love Position

The Ten of Swords in this position signifies a sense of grim relief. At this point you are no longer obligated to exert any more effort because there is nothing more you can do. Under the circumstances, no one can rationally expect you to have any power to change the situation.

In a sense, you are free. You may be in shock and your ego may have been deflated a bit, but that is understandable and acceptable. It may be best not to try to do anything about any relationship right now. This card gives you permission to surrender to the inevitable. Be assured that in time you will recover, that you will again have some wind behind your sails. For the present, you're just knocked out. Admit it and go with it -- what else can you do?

Ten of Swords Career Position

When the Ten of Swords is in this position, a project seems to be failing. This situation does not look good for the employer, which reflects upon the employee as well. Hence, it is a radical shakeup of the prevailing order. Your influence may be too small to repair the situation if forces larger than yourself dominate right now.

Since you may have little control over the outcome, why spend energy trying? Perhaps all you can do is wait things out. Rely on the good sense nature gave you and save any remaining energy for a new start later on. Know when to fold your hands and detach yourselves from circumstances, so that you and the people you work with are not faced with greater losses as the process unfolds.

Ten of Swords in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Ten of Swords is a card of defeat. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Ten of Swords, the answer is NO. Recognize when enough is enough.