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Three of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Go with your intuition. This is the time to make your move.

Two of Wands Tarot card in Motherpeace Tarot Tarot deck
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What does the Three of Wands Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Three of Wands Tarot card in under a minute!

Three of Wands Upright Meaning

This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.

A Three in this suit symbolizes an inner balance that allows you to feel more optimistic about new endeavors you are committed to, or want to commit to. In the illustrated Tarots, the human character is standing on his balcony, watching ships leave the harbor, loaded with his goods for far-off ports, dreaming of the fortune he will reap if all goes well. Summon the optimism within you.

This energy must be patient and trusting, because he or she will have to wait some time to find out how the ships have fared. Meanwhile, a lot of resources are tied up until they return with the bounty. Only those truly confident in their ideas and abilities would undertake such a risk. This card represents the energy a person needs to take on great adventures and accomplish noble (and remunerative) deeds.

A detail that sometimes appears in the more esoteric Tarots is a winged wand with two snakes twining around it, called the Caduceus, which is Mercury's wand. This is an ancient symbol of the healer or shaman, one who can travel between the worlds to rescue souls from death or possession. Perhaps the feeling of empowerment this card represents points to the internal mechanisms of self-healing. Perhaps it refers to the courage it takes to be an entrepreneur or an inventor, which is in itself a magical process -- bringing not only opportunity for success, but also an awakening to higher potentials.

Three of Wands Reversed Meaning

Rest will restore lack of drive and optimism. The Three of Wands reversed points to a temporary lapse of drive or will. You might have overdone things and burned the candle at both ends.

Give yourself some time to rest and relax. When you're feeling restored, another look at existing circumstances will assure you that prospects are still bright no matter what the immediate setbacks might be.

Three of Wands Advice Position

The Three of Wands in this position advises you to act quickly and powerfully on an idea or desire you have been feeling. This card suggests exquisite timing, staying in the moment and responding to your instinct or intuition.

Every fiber of your being may be saying this is a great opportunity, even if those around you aren't as convinced. There's nothing to lose from taking a risk; this is a great moment in your entrepreneurial growth. Make your move and sort out the details later.

Three of Wands Love Position

When the Three of Wands is in this position an adventure is about to be set in motion. This card represents the burning drive that compels a person to risk his or her worldly fortunes for a chance at greatness. Committed to a plan of action, you and a possible partner may be poised to gather resources for a step by step procedure.

An enterprising spirit inspires you both to strike out in this new direction rather than stay with the status quo. Now you can confidently set out on this journey of exploration and hopefully, enrichment.

Three of Wands Career Position

When the Three of Wands is in this position, excitement and innovation may be emerging in your work environment or career. Everyone around you feels the effects in a way that improves morale and reminds you just how good it is that you are doing what you are.

The challenges are invigorating and arousing, and as a group you may be about to do your best work. Take advantage of this energy field of inspired optimism. A risk taken at this time could have a better-than-average chance of working out well.

Three of Wands in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Three of Wands is a card of reflection and evaluation. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Three of Wands, the answer is YES. Take stock of what you've done so far and think through what still lies ahead.