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Two of Wheels (Coins) Tarot Card Meanings

Do not allow yourself to be coaxed into premature decisions or actions.

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What does the Two of Wheels Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Two of Wheels Tarot card in under a minute!

Two of Wheels Upright Meaning

This suit, most often named "Coins" or "Pentacles", is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. This suit represents something supportive that is available to you -- whether it be health, some kind of talent, or a material or financial resource.

The Two in this suit generally features a youth juggling, with two coins juggled in figure-eight fashion, or just the coins without the youth -- one heads up, the other tails -- both flipping in the air. It is clear that until one or the other coin drops, the final call can not be made; there is more to learn before a decision can be made about appropriate action.

This card counsels patience, so do not allow yourself to be rushed. The figure-eight image is a symbol of immortality and eternity. Its message is "No need to hurry. You have all the time you need to work this out, no matter how things appear right now." Implied within this scenario is the idea that changes are in the works, but you will do better to stay calm until you have more information. Everything is in flux at a time like this.

Two of Wheels Reversed Meaning

The Two of Coins reversed suggests that you let go of passivity if this is a time for action. You may be displaying too much ambivalence about outcomes, much to your detriment.

A neutral stance or procrastination will not serve you here. You must move into proactive support for the good of all concerned and leave passivity behind. At the very least, assert your personal preferences as a sign of respect for any others who also display the courage of their convictions.

Two of Wheels Advice Position

The Two of Coins in this position advises you not to choose anything definitive for the time being. Give yourself a little more time to sort out your feelings and any mixed messages you may be receiving from others.

Ask yourself -- are all the facts in yet? Or is the coin still flipping in the air? There is no need to be goaded into premature decisions or actions. Act only when you are able to do so with a unified heart and mind.