Strength Tarot Card Compatibility: Ambitious, Passionate, and Pleasure-Seeking
Discover the Tarot Birth Card compatibility for Strength
With a penchant for luxury and the finer things, Strength spirits enjoy putting their abundance to use in their romantic lives. They are here to get rich and powerful, helping their partner become rich and powerful as well.
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The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
Strength and The Magician
This union has great potential to become a supernaturally strong partnership in which both partners are the other's best friend and staunchest ally. When this combination works, it works brilliantly as the manifestation of shared dreams and the accumulation of vast wealth are possible. The challenge lies in the inherent volatility of this duo, in which love can turn to hate with alarming speed. Disagreements over who is the boss and who gets to take the limelight can pit these best-of-friends against each other. At their best, these two learn to take turns leading and are willing to give up some personal freedom for the sake of the relationship. The Magician's dreams and impulsive ideas often find fertile soil in the know-how and can-do talents of the Strength soul. The Strength person can find inspiration and rejuvenation in the company of the Magician, who reminds the hardworking and materialistically inclined Strength partner that life is also about enjoyment.
Strength and The High Priestess
Best suited for business partnerships, this union can work in romance if both partners have a common philosophy or goal. Even when this couple doesn't try, material success comes naturally. The High Priestess supplies ample intuitive guidance to the Strength soul who is quite willing to combine hunches. No slouch at psychic ability, Strength knows as well how to harness tidbits of information from their surroundings. As a couple, they naturally read each other's moods and feelings and know when to push and when to back off. Prestige and public acclaim often bless this union, along with astute money decisions. Yet despite all the success materially, conflict often arises when the homebody High Priestess feels the Strength partner's ambition is at odds with domestic bliss. The Strength soul needs to be continually reminded by the more home-oriented High Priestess that all work and no play will make for a strained and drained union.
Strength and The Empress
This union is sort of similar to a pairing of a MINI Cooper with a Ferrari. One is all about being cute and the other is all about power. The two can get along when the power-oriented Strength partner takes a time-out from achieving wealth and influence and decides it's time to have fun. But more often than not, the Empress is all dressed for the party, while the Strength soul is busy working toward the latest visionary goal. The Empress can feel neglected and underappreciated, while the Strength soul can feel pressured and misunderstood. While these two often harness tremendous success as a business partnership, a genuine concern and caring for the relationship is missing at times. The emotional intelligence of the Empress is what draws the Strength soul. But in the end, all that processing of and talking about feelings is not nearly as seductive as the to-do list and drive to succeed.
Strength and The Emperor
This is a naturally corporate union with ambitious Strength taking the visionary helm as CEO and Emperor being the VP who can implement the far-ranging goals of Strength. For this reason, this pairing often results in material wealth and advancement that can become the super glue of togetherness. However, making more money or keeping the estate intact can only go so far to satisfy the emotional needs of the Strength soul, who has a penchant for drama. On the other hand, the Emperor would just rather not. When Emperor feels that the Strength partner is being melodramatic, which is often, the Strength soul usually feels Emperor is dull and rigid. This pairing swings from mutual enthusiasm for joint projects to mutual antagonism toward each other's styles of expression. The blunt criticism of the Emperor can fell the relationship just as readily as the Strength soul's refusal to temper the intensity of a passionately held conviction. Of all the pairings, this one is voted "Most Likely to Fall Apart Over a Difference of Opinion."
Strength and The Hierophant
This is a fast and furious alliance with Hierophant's zany ideas providing a bellows for the fiery drive and ambition of Strength. These two can move mountains together and achieve big goals, but the challenge lies in the potential to burn out. Pacing is everything with these two fast talkers and big dreamers. Strength has a bit more common sense and practicality than free-wheeling Hierophant, and that can help make things happen. Romantically, the sensuality of the Hierophant appeals to the pleasure-loving Strength soul. These two know how to enjoy fine wine, food, massage, and all of life's delights. Strength keeps Hierophant on a less debaucherous track with a bent toward moderation and health. Both are gifted with laser-like intuition, which they can harness together to predict everything from stock trends to fashion directions. A lasting love often results from this union, even if the form changes. Both are open to non-conventional arrangements, such as open relationships. In many ways, this open-mindedness makes for an enduring love.
Strength and The Lovers
This dynamic union works on many levels. The passionate Strength soul finds kindred company in the emotionally deep Lovers partner. In fact, Strength finds the nurturing and sensitive qualities of the Lovers soul endearing and loveable. The Lovers person enjoys being around the spontaneous and high-energy Strength soul. In a way, these two magnify each other's best qualities, because there is a deep mutual appreciation for each other. The Lovers partner makes sure the home base is a warm and sensuous sanctuary, and this appeals to Strength who ramps up the pleasure factor to outright hedonism whenever possible. A challenge for these two pleasure-seekers is to moderate consumption of wine, food, chocolate, and each other. A den of iniquity would work for a while, but in the end, the Strength soul's ambition for vast wealth and power usually puts an end to the Dionysian debauchery. After all, if they never get out of bed, how can they conquer the world?
Strength and The Chariot
These two are drawn together by their differences. The passion and flair of the Strength soul appeals to the cool intellectual temperament of the Chariot person. Strength sees the Chariot character as a refuge of calm reason in the many small melodramas that tend to swirl around every Strength soul. As a casual relationship, becoming best of friends is possible. But when commitment and proximity happen, the Chariot's need for solo time can make Strength feel neglected. Both are independent spirits, but Strength likes to occasionally imagine there is such a thing as soulmates and the love of a lifetime. Chariot is far too sensible for that, and the Strength person could feel that their Chariot partner is simply too cool a cucumber to meet the requirements for passion.
Strength and Strength
This potent combination can perform acts of greatness in the world and reach unfathomable depths of love. Strength with Strength can also combust so that nothing happens and love never stands a chance. They each want to be the leader, and when they see eye-to-eye, they are a formidable pair. When they disagree, however, it can take an FBI-level negotiator to bring them to the table to talk it over. "Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy" is an expression that applies to them. In stubborn adherence to their positions, they easily alienate their partner, who is just as stubborn. This potential for intractable impasses can be turned into an unbeatable willpower to accomplish a joint goal or dream. When harnessed this way, the Strength duo achieves not only material wealth but often prestige and acclaim.
Strength and The Hermit
When a power tripper teams up with the universal philosopher, the combination either generates interesting new religions, or it falls apart because the Hermit will have nothing to do with power. However, at its best, this relationship can be the fertile ground for scientific breakthroughs or revolutionary ideas. The Strength soul is the engine that can move the agendas of the Hermit forward in the world. Romance is non-existent here in a traditional way -- forget the flowers and chocolates. These two will court each other with an exchange of ideas and vision and find the attraction builds with each shared dream. Hermit can give Strength the space to develop a spiritual life and Strength encourages the Hermit to believe all things are possible with a bit of passion and ambition behind them.