The Hermit Tarot Card Compatibility: Idealistic, Wise, Humanitarian
Discover the Tarot Birth Card compatibility for The Hermit
The cosmic counselor, Hermits are shrewd listeners and astute advisors who can also use their lie-detector minds to expose untruths in their love lives. Deeply concerned with the plight of humanity, these sages-in-training often find comfort in religious, spiritual, political, or philosophical beliefs. Hermits are here to find their way to the mountaintop and then show their partner how to get there.
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The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
The Hermit and The Magician
This union takes practice. At first glance, the humanitarian Hermit seems like a good fit for the idealistic Magician. However, the truth is that The Hermit is a feeling-based creature whose lush emotionalism is the driving force behind their urge to better the world. Conversely, the Magician lives by a pros and cons list and a spreadsheet, and when pursuing goals, this character makes sure that they are well thought out. In a love union, The Hermit judges the Magician as heartless, while the Magician sees The Hermit as unrealistic. If the two can see beyond their differing styles, they often do manage to forge a bond in which The Hermit's wisdom assists the Magician in succeeding at a myriad of brilliant ideas. The Hermit in this case feels appreciated and needed, while the Magician thinks that having a significant other who is also an in-house advisor is the perfect arrangement.
The Hermit and The High Priestess
The humanitarian instincts of The Hermit naturally appeal to the fair-minded High Priestess. Accordingly, this partnership works splendidly when the two are aligned toward a common cause. Otherwise, the needier High Priestess can feel her companion is off on yet another inner or outer quest at the expense of creating a loving union. The High Priestess needs to allow The Hermit the freedom to save the world and be responsible for everyone else. Yet, The Hermit truly savors the attention and care of a High Priestess partner who is innately in tune with The Hermit's true feelings. In exchange for this deep understanding, The Hermit will often soften the "I am fine" shields and let vulnerability happen. When this occurs, this union can go beyond mutual admiration into deep and profound love.
The Hermit and The Empress
Intensity is a hallmark of this passionate union where both partners excel in the art of emotions. There is an almost telepathic bond here where each partner innately understands the sentiments and feelings of the other. Words are not necessary with this duo, and the best of times occur when the communication is entirely physical. When this pair does converse, the topics are usually creative and imaginative. Rather than discuss world events, this couple can conspire to create works of fiction and art or generate ideas that have lasting cultural influence. Misunderstandings arise when The Hermit's need for solitude clashes with the Empresses' love of companionship, or when The Hermit judges the Empress for her fun-loving and sensual ways. There is a bit of the prude in every Hermit, truly needing to let his or her hair down every now and then. Mutual respect for each other's feelings keeps this union faithful and long lasting. Most arguments are resolved quickly, and what the Empress teaches The Hermit in this regard is to let go of the past and live in the present.
The Hermit and The Emperor
This pair is like Obi-Wan Kenobi with Bob the Builder. When The Hermit's wisdom and sage advice mix with Bob the Builder's practical know-how, the two have suddenly constructed a Zen retreat. But when they are not combining their philosophical and can-do skills, they are usually arguing about clutter in the home or lack of quality time together. Humanitarian Hermits are far too focused on global issues to vacuum regularly. As for quality time, only when the committee meetings are done and the flyers distributed will The Hermit settle down by the hearth or dinner table. Emperors love their home to be a sanctuary and Hermits open the home to every lost cause. This fundamental difference is enough to drive them both to divide the home into opposite sides or floors. A truce is possible, but without real effort to not take their differences personally, this union often dissolves into bickering and hard feelings.
The Hermit and The Hierophant
An enterprise in sustainable love, this union works best when these two team up to achieve a joint enterprise or dream. The Hermit knows how to listen to the wild ideas of the Hierophant without judgment and with sage advice. The Hierophant injects zest and fun into the sometimes hum drum life of The Hermit. Communication as a couple hinges on the intuitive instincts of Hierophant making sense of the emotional depths and quagmire of The Hermit. Neither wears their heart on their sleeve, but both crave deep communion. In bed, breakthroughs happen when the Hierophant seduces and awakens the dormant senses of The Hermit. Sensuality can be a pathway to a divine sort of love when these two give sexuality a chance.
The Hermit and The Lovers
These two emotionally intelligent creatures intuitively know how to please each other and how to communicate challenging issues without causing hurt feelings. In some ways, it's like two relationship counselors in a relationship. Both are focused on coming to an agreement, creating harmony, and talking it through. When talk fails, the more sensual Lovers soul will readily resort to caresses and tender touch. This melts the heart of every Hermit who longs for meaningful physical contact. The sex life of this duo is likely to be sporadic as libido is not a priority, yet when they do meet under the sheets, it's often a surprisingly torrid event. Neither is afraid of their primal side. With their innate emotional intelligence, lovemaking can often be a healing resource when misunderstanding and distance occur. The Hermit knows how important it is to let the Lovers soul feel appreciated, keeping the fire alive with small and large romantic gestures. The only downside to this compatible union can be a tendency for seclusion. The Hermit finds home life with a Lovers partner seventh heaven compared to the harsh real world.
The Hermit and The Chariot
These two are natural born philosophers and can spend hours in deep discussion of new ways of thinking, not to mention ways to better the world. Spiritual inclination and high-minded ideals link them in a bond that can be quite sustainable. Neither of them needs a whole lot of sexual passion, although The Hermit is a deep feeler. This can be an area of contention as the deep feelings of most Hermits need to be prodded out by a persistent partner. Yet, Chariot could care less about feelings, which are simply obstacles to clear thinking. Hermit values emotions because they are portals to deeper connection. Chariot will never walk willingly through those portals, so in the long run, unless Hermit is willing to sacrifice emotional texture, then this relationship makes for great intellectual rapport but will not go the distance for the emotionally lush Hermit.
The Hermit and Strength
When a power tripper teams up with the universal philosopher, the combination either generates interesting new religions, or it falls apart because The Hermit will have nothing to do with power. However, at its best, this relationship can be the fertile ground for scientific breakthroughs or revolutionary ideas. The Strength soul is the engine that can move the agendas of The Hermit forward in the world. Romance is non-existent here in a traditional way -- forget the flowers and chocolates. These two will court each other with an exchange of ideas and vision and find the attraction builds with each shared dream. Hermit can give Strength the space to develop a spiritual life and Strength encourages The Hermit to believe all things are possible with a bit of passion and ambition behind them.
The Hermit and The Hermit
This incredibly idealistic duo pairs up with the heroic agendas of Superman and Superwoman. Not only to both aspire to save the world, but both have the temperaments to pursue lofty humanitarian ideals without losing faith or patience. Often much of the relationship is about joining forces in an endeavor that inspires others and makes use of the knowledge and wisdom these two naturally have. Passion and romance take a back seat to discussions and debates, but in end, they have a heartfelt understanding of each other that weathers almost any relationship storm. Their love can reach transcendent heights if they both choose to salute the spirit in each other, which they often do. Rather than taking things personally, they both know how to see the innocence beneath it all. The only downside here is that they amplify each other's dreamy and utopian side to a point that a reality check can be sorely lacking.