Your 2025 Capricorn Horoscope
Prepare for the year to come with your yearly horoscope
You could feel like you’re living in a small town with the way everyone knows your business! No matter the population of the place you currently reside, you will be working with the theme of proper communication in 2025.
Mum's the word
The North Node moving through Pisces activates your 3rd House of Communication and emphasizes a kind of fluidity of words. Especially as Neptune makes its conjunction to the North Node on February 7, there’s great potential for miscommunication. It may be you who has the loose lips, or perhaps someone else will share your secrets indiscriminately. The situation likely isn’t based in malice so much as carelessness. Make a practice of checking whether that juicy tale can be shared, as well as asking that your stories be held with discretion. You may not have any control over gossip, but you can do your part to model consensual sharing of information. You can learn this the easy way or the hard way. Ideally, you’ll be a shining example of how to show respect for confidentiality rather than an example of what happens when you don't.
Planetary energy in your relationship zones
As Venus, Neptune, and Saturn each enter Aries, they’re all dancing through your 4th House of Family. Under their influence, you will not only understand the need for greater boundaries – you’ll also have the wherewithal to enforce them. It’s unfortunate when folks think family members don't need to play by the same rules as everyone else when it comes to matters of privacy. If someone gets out of line in this area, you’re absolutely within your rights to say so.
You have the opportunity to demonstrate loving limits throughout 2025. This will require a lot of conversations -- many of which will surprise the heck out of you! -- with Uranus entering Gemini on July 7. Shortly before on June 9, Jupiter will enter sweet Cancer and begin its journey through your 7th House of Partnership, indicating the loving intention and potential under all of it.
A soft place to land
All these interactions could be rocky at first. You’re developing new skills, and so are the people with whom you’re interacting, so be gentle and patient. After some false starts, Saturn and Neptune retrograde back into Pisces where they began the year. Rather than portending some difficult lessons as they did the first go-round, this second passage offers you the opportunity to make truly safe spaces for those you love. You’re learning how to create a solid container, Capricorn, and it will allow for more intimacy, trust, and connection than a leaky one ever could.