Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius: Optimistic, Philosophical, Adventurous

Nov 2, 2024 – Nov 5, 2024

By Staff

Before we jump straight into the Moon in Sagittarius, let’s first learn about the Moon itself. In Astrology, the Moon is considered a planet. It moves so quickly through the sky that it actually passes through each of the zodiac signs every month! While most people are familiar with their Sun sign, many people are unaware of what their Moon sign is. Why is knowing this aspect of this so important? The Moon is our astrological home, and it relates to our moods and our gut feelings.

When the Moon is in Sagittarius

No matter what your Moon sign is, we are all honorary Sagittarians when the Moon moves through that sign. The energy of Sagittarius is very expansive, free, and visionary. If you’re normally very pragmatic or cynical, you might find that you’re a little more optimistic than usual. Your mind will start considering all the possibilities of a situation rather than just focusing on the potential roadblocks. Your thoughts could end up in uncharted territory!

A Sagittarius Moon will renew your sense of adventure, and you could have the desire to pick something (no matter how big or small) and just go for it. Sagittarius loves the idea of traveling and expanding their horizon. This can be something physical like traveling to a faraway place, or taking their mind on a trip with an education pursuit. Don’t be surprised if you have the urge to register for that class you’ve been thinking about taking, or if you decide to book a last-minute vacation during this transit.

New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moons are a time of new beginnings and new emotional cycles. The Sagittarius New Moon asks us to plant the seeds of optimism. This is when we allow ourselves to leave the painful parts of our pasts behind so we can visualize a bigger and brighter future. This idealistic outlook doesn’t match the realities of everyone’s life. Many people are suffering in economic, emotional, physical, and spiritual ways. It’s not difficult to find areas of frustration and fear inside us and in the environment around us. The Sagittarius New Moon offers you hope, and all the wonderful things that hope brings. Instead of seeing a situation as it is, you will be able to imagine what your situation could be.

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Unlike the New Moon, which is about starting something new, the Full Moon is about reflecting on what we planted six months ago, and how it’s coming to fruition. It urges us to consider what’s next. This is an interesting time because the Moon in far-seeing Sagittarius opposes the Sun in nearsighted Gemini. Gemini is concerned with things that are nearby while Sagittarius wants us to contemplate what’s on the distant horizon. We might be overwhelmed with ideas and information, but the Sagittarius Full Moon helps us focus our attention on long-term goals and higher principles rather than getting lost in a flood of small details.

If you were born with the Moon in Sagittarius

Lunar Sagittarians are the free spirits of the zodiac, and are most fulfilled when they have the freedom to live life on their own terms. They feel their best when they can maintain their independence and come and go as they please. People with this bold Moon sign are always game to try something new, and their nomadic nature often has them daydreaming about their next adventure! This sign doesn’t ask, "Why?" It asks, "Why not?"

Someone with a Sagittarius Moon has a passion for learning. This Moon sign is all about expansion, and that includes broadening their minds. Sagittarius chases after wisdom, and they do this by seeking out the truth about the people and world around them. This Moon sign likes to dabble in philosophy, psychology, religion, or whatever subject might help them in their pursuit of knowledge.

Optimism is at the heart of people born with a Sagittarius Moon. Their happy-go-lucky demeanor and positive outlook on life give them an adaptability that makes it easy to roll with all of life’s punches. Some mistake their idealism for having an unrealistic outlook on life, but it’s really that Lunar Sagittarians believe in their heart that everything will work out for the best in the end.

Sagittarius Moon Sign Traits:

  • Easygoing
  • Humorous
  • Intuitive
  • Honest
  • Independent
  • Generous
  • Intelligent
  • Open-minded
  • Creative

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