Aries in Love and Relationships: Passionate, Spontaneous, and Direct
Discover what Aries is like in a relationship
Aries is one of the most passionate signs in the zodiac! This is a fiery and sexy sign, so they like to dish out an experience that's as electrifying as they are. Needless to say, it's hard to be bored in love or in the bedroom with this sign.
Are you dating an Aries? Are YOU an Aries? Curious and asking yourself, "What are Aries like in a relationship?" Keep reading to learn more about Aries relationship compatibility...
Positive Aries traits
Aries doesn't like playing guessing games or leaving you wondering where you stand with them. They're gutsy and bold, so if they're into you, they'll have no problem letting you know!
As an independent sign, Aries understands the need for personal space and will respect your need for independence as well. And being that Aries is an incredibly spontaneous sign, you can be sure that there will never be a dull moment in your relationship.
If you're dating or in a relationship with an Aries, lucky you! This is one of the sexier signs in the zodiac, and they dish out the kind of red-hot romance that is hard to ignore. Needless to say, Aries romance can be a wild ride you never want to get off of!
Negative Aries traits
If left unchecked, Aries' more independent nature can cause them to become self-centered or in extreme cases, downright selfish. This means that instead of thinking about what you need in the relationship, they'll be more focused on what it is they want.
Aries has a competitive spirit that helps them get ahead in certain situations, but this doesn't translate well in relationships. When they start directing that competition toward you, the sparks you once felt with them could end up fizzling out.
This sign is also known for having a temper. While they're quick to burn, they're also quick to cool -- but that doesn't mean it'll be so easy for you to forgive and forget after they've lashed out.
Aries in bed
This sign loves the thrill of the chase, and they love the thrill of conquering even more! This sign is straightforward and has no problem going after what he or she wants -- and that includes in the bedroom!
Aries loves a good quickie and isn't necessarily interesting in hours of lovemaking, but that doesn't mean it'll be any less enjoyable. They know how to turn up the heat between the sheets, so they make every moment count.
Aries in a relationship
It's hard for an autonomous person like you to see beyond your own needs and opinions at times. However, it takes two people to have a relationship, and your partner's desires and needs are just as important as yours are. Make an effort to relate to your significant other, really listening to what he or she has to say.
You'll also want to be more patient with your partner. Don't be so quick to cut them off when they're trying to tell you about themselves, their day, their dreams, or anything else that would help you get to know them better. You can't grow closer if you're trampling over what they have to say.
Dating an Aries man or Aries woman
This is a sign that doesn't like to be boxed in, so don't even try! If you're dating an Aries, you'll need to respect their need to do their own thing and be their own person. They are a very self-directed and independent sign, and you'll need to respect that part of them if you want the relationship to flourish.
Just because Aries likes chasing doesn't mean they don't also like to be chased. "Pursue, pursue, pursue" should be your motto when it comes to courting an Aries. If you don't make an active effort to go after them, this sign could lose interest -- quickly. Aries' best relationship matches are those who can fan the flames of passion by making their feelings known.
Another tip for dating an Aries is being as direct as possible with them. This sign does not appreciate beating around the bush or being left in the dark about what you're thinking or feeling, so Aries' worst relationship matches are people who can't just say how they feel. You'll capture your Aries' heart by being as frank as possible when having discussions with them.
Aries in love:
- Uninhibited
- Courageous
- Ardent
- Impatient
- Straightforward
- Initiating
- Assertive
- Impulsive
- Feisty
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