2020 saturn pluto conjunction

The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction: Tarot Readings by Sign

Reveal what the cards say about this major planetary alignment

By Theresa Reed

Astrology's heavy hitters Saturn and Pluto will be conjunct on January 12th, 2020 at 11:59AM EST in the sign of Capricorn. This aspect only comes around about every 34 years, and it always packs a wallop!

Saturn loves order while Pluto wants to transform, which means the status quo is about to get shaken up. Because Capricorn rules government, business, banking, and the stock market, we can expect disruptions in those areas. Old structures are bound to crumble to make way for fresh beginnings. Truth-tellers will emerge, and corruption will be exposed. Power is being redistributed, and things may feel unsteady for a bit. Expect difficult times and a lot of hard work ahead.

Keep in mind that Capricorn is an Earth sign, so climate change and economic issues could be on everyone's mind as well.

This is time to get serious and ponder this question: What kind of world do you want to live in? This aspect will no doubt kick up some dust, but by the time it eases up, we'll have a clear idea of what's left standing -- and where we are going.

On a personal note, this aspect is ideal for transforming any area of your life. Think of it as the cosmic push necessary to make a bold change once and for all. Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn will remind us all that it is never too late to make a change - or a difference.

Here are FREE Tarot readings for each zodiac sign to help you move through this transit as gracefully as possible...


Aries Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Step into your power. Take a stand for something. Do not rely too much on other people's advice or opinions. You must trust your instincts. At times, you may need to be a courageous shoulder for others to lean on. People look to you because they know that you're not afraid to take the lead when it counts. At the same time, don't lose sight of your creative goals. Nurture your passions and watch them grow into something amazing. While others sit around dreaming about what the future could be, you're busy making it happen.

Aries' keywords: courage, passion, creativity, power, desire, trailblazer, leader, strength, sexuality, inspiration

Personal reading for Aries: reveal how this life-changing transit will affect you for FREE » reveal the specific lesson Saturn conjunct Pluto has for YOU now »

Taurus Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Six of Swords

Six of Swords

A change is coming. Move on. You must leave the old way behind and begin moving to the future. It may be challenging, especially if you cannot see what lies ahead. You prefer to know what to expect, but the clarity you need isn't here yet. You must trust the journey and seek support if need be. It's possible that you may be traveling or moving. Or, you may simply be putting a situation in your rearview mirror once and for all. Change is rarely easy but do know that once things settle down, peace will return.

Taurus' keywords: transition, support, moving on, leaving, peace, destiny, travel, journey, seeking, exodus

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Gemini Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: The Moon

The Moon

Things are not what they seem at the moment. Do not take anything at face value. You may feel as if you are fumbling in the dark. The clarity you need is not present, which means you may have to rely on your instincts. How do you feel about your situation? Your feelings hold clues, so do not ignore them. Difficult choices must be made but rest assured you will find your way. You are being guided by intuition, and if you allow it to lead the way, you'll be safe and secure soon enough.

Gemini's keywords: illusion, instinct, primal, reflection, darkness, confusion, unknown, change, sensitivity, deception

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Cancer Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Security is essential to you, which means you may be more focused on creating financial stability at this time. While others are throwing caution to the wind, you're squirreling it away for the future. Hard work and practicality come naturally for you, so this period may feel quite satisfying. Guard against being too controlling, especially with your resources. While it's nice to have money in the bank, it's even better when you can share it freely with others. Plan for your future but don't forget to live well in the present.

Cancer's keywords: security, miserliness, stability, saving, conserving, holding on, possessiveness, control, order, greed

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Leo Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Nine of Pentacles

9 of Pentacles

Count your blessings for they are many. You've worked hard, and now you can collect the fruits from your labor. The seeds you've planted long ago are beginning to blossom. Celebrate your good fortune and treat yourself a bit -- you deserve it! This card can also speak of a time when you feel somewhat alone. Sure, you have the creature comforts, but if you're feeling lonely, why not invite others into your world? Let others in, and your world will become so much bigger. This card can also symbolize the purchase of real estate or investing your funds for retirement.

Leo's keywords: wealth, prosperity, success, fruits of your labor, ease, harvest, security, materialism, luxury, self-reliance

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Virgo Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords rushes in, ready to do battle. This is the energy you'll need at this time. Events may be tricky, and storm clouds threaten the peace. You must be willing to stand up, speak out, and fight the good fight! When times are tough, people look to the brave folks who are unafraid to take a stand. Make your point. No holding back. An assertive, brash approach will cut through the clouds and clear the air. You may irritate a few people, but in the long run, you'll be glad you did.

Virgo's keywords: haste, excitement, swiftness, ideas, speaking out, assertiveness, combat, storm, defense, impatience

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Libra Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Honesty will be your weapon at this time. You must lead with your truth and be willing to tell it like it is, even if your words are unpopular. This is not about winning hearts -- it's about being fair and honest. If others choose to bend the facts, do not let that discourage you. Stand tall, keep a cool head, and present the truth. Your ability to think independently is needed at this time. Mentally stimulating activities keep your brain happy. Indulge in your love of learning as much as you can. Do not be afraid to confront ignorance wherever you can.

Libra's keywords: truth-teller, logic, vision, intelligence, self-reliant, critical, thought leader, making a point, sharpness, objective

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Scorpio Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

A stroke of luck comes your way. Opportunity is knocking ... loudly. Take a chance! You may be delighted to see the change ahead. Your life is about to take a significant turn for the better. The Wheels of Fate are turning for you, and improvement is on the way. You must be ready to act when the doors open. While luck may be on your side, that does not mean you get to be complacent. Fortune favors the brave, not the lazy. Everything is moving in your favor, so do your part to ensure it stays that way.

Scorpio's keywords: fate, change, a pivotal time, fortune, luck, karma, adjustment, consequences, chance, cycles

Personal reading for Scorpio: reveal how this life-changing transit will affect you for FREE » reveal the specific lesson Saturn conjunct Pluto has for YOU now »

Sagittarius Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Page of Swords

Page of Swords

Important news comes your way. Something is about to change, and you must be ready to make a move. Keep your cool because it may not be apparent at first. Stay alert and look for any hidden information. It's possible that this could be the start of a legal issue or a new conflict. It won't take much time to get to the truth of the matter. You're sharp like that. This card can also indicate a time when you get a bold new idea and are ready to take action on it. The flashes of inspiration that come to you now are genius.

Sagittarius' keywords: news, change, justice, truth, student, learning, bright, witty, rash, alertness

Personal reading for Sagittarius: reveal how this life-changing transit will affect you for FREE » reveal the specific lesson Saturn conjunct Pluto has for YOU now »

Capricorn Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: The Tower

The Tower

No surprise to see The Tower for Capricorn. After all, the Saturn Pluto conjunction is in your sign! Everything may seem like it's in flux at this time. All the old structures you've depended on are coming crashing down around you. It's also possible that you may be doing a significant release by letting go of old habits, ideas, and situations that no longer work for you. You may feel scared at this time but rest assured, because what's going needs to go to make way for something better. A new life is on the horizon, one that will be stronger and more resilient. Trust that everything that is happening right now is happening for you, not to you.

Capricorn's keywords: upheaval, change, disruption, evolution, liberation, release, break-up, tearing down, freedom, chaos

Personal reading for Capricorn: reveal how this life-changing transit will affect you for FREE » reveal the specific lesson Saturn conjunct Pluto has for YOU now »

Aquarius Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: The Hermit

The Hermit

Pull back from the fray. Step away from the drama and find time alone. This will help you to clear your mind and remain objective. While others seem to thrive in chaos, you will do better if you honor your need for solitude. A period of deep reflection will help you to gather the answers. Slow down. Be patient. Don't push yourself. Allow for answers to come to you through looking within. If you are still having trouble getting clarity, reach out to a teacher you trust. Their wise advice may give you the direction you need at this time.

Aquarius' keywords: solitude, peace, introspection, wisdom, research, seeking, withdrawal, maturity, teacher, loneliness

Personal reading for Aquarius: reveal how this life-changing transit will affect you for FREE » reveal the specific lesson Saturn conjunct Pluto has for YOU now »

Pisces Tarot Horoscope

Your card for Saturn conjunct Pluto: Death


Out with the old, in with the new. Sever old ties and be willing to let go of all the things you've outgrown. For further growth to occur, something else must come to an end. An inevitable ending is at hand, and perhaps the change may seem shocking or upsetting in some way. Surrender to this change and sweep away the old debris. Your new life is straight ahead. If you've been considering making a shift in any area of your life, consider this your green light to go forth. A change initiated at this time will be for your highest good.

Pisces' keywords: transformation, change, endings, release, freedom, letting go, new growth, rebirth, liberation, metamorphosis

Personal reading for Pisces: reveal how this life-changing transit will affect you for FREE » reveal the specific lesson Saturn conjunct Pluto has for YOU now »

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