Cancer 2022 Horoscope: Get Accurate Predictions Now
Reveal what awaits you with your Cancer Horoscope 2022...
You've made a lot of changes in your personal and professional life, Cancer, and in 2022, as structured Saturn continues to move through your 8th House of Personal Transformation, it's time these internal shifts that have taken place are reflected in your external environment.
Cancer horoscope 2022
As within, so without
The year starts with relatable Venus moving retrograde in your relationship zone until January 29, and all of your personal connections are up for review. When interactive Mercury then turns retrograde in your sharing sector in mid-January, your personal power may be tested through the way you relate to others. Your relationships mirror who you are -- or more accurately, who you believe you are -- and as you change and grow as a person, your relationships have no choice but to shift also. It's possible that relationship challenges may arise at this time that leave you feeling frustrated, but try your best to stay focused on the bigger cosmic lesson that is there for you. On a positive note, you may also foster new partnerships during this time with people who can support you with your goals!
Your subconscious mind will receive a cosmic cleanout beginning May 10 when Mercury starts its second retrograde of the year, happening in your deep 12th House of Healing. Your outdated beliefs about yourself are being challenged, and you will likely face situations that require you to advocate for yourself and your needs. This is new for you, Cancer, since you are used to doing for others, but you are learning that you can't pour from an empty cup! This is also a prelude to Mars Retrograde that will happen in your 12th house as well, starting October 30. The universe is presenting you with opportunities to set emotional boundaries and speak up for what matters to you!
On September 9, Mercury will start yet another backspin, this time in your 4th House of Home and Family, where all the progress you made with yourself and your interpersonal connections will extend into family matters. Mercury's last retrograde of the year starts December 29 in your relationship zone, and you'll be able to sit back and review the current status of your most important partnerships.
You're a manifesting machine
In the spring and fall, a series of four eclipses will activate your 5th House of Creativity and 11th House of Belonging. Over the year this will help you boldly step into your authentic self, which will start to naturally attract people and opportunities that align with your personal truth.
If you have a particular goal you're trying to reach, you can look forward to the Solar Eclipse happening on April 30 in your realm of community and friendship. This will be a powerful time to call on the people and groups that will be able to help you on your journey. Although the Lunar Eclipse in your 5th house on May 15 could bring up some underlying doubts about your greatness, this is meant to be a moment of awareness, because when the Solar Eclipse happens in this same part of your chart on October 25, you'll have a chance to set powerful intentions centered around your self-expression. At the final eclipse of the year on November 8, you could realize that you've manifested a lot of dreams and true friendships over the course of the year!
Love what you do
Your belief in yourself and your connection to a greater force is highlighted during 2022 as expansive Jupiter moves through your 9th House of Higher Thinking. You may feel a desire to dive deeper into your spiritual beliefs or to start a creative activity -- you might even bring back a hobby or artistic endeavor you used to do in the past. Once Jupiter then dips into your 10th House of Career and Purpose on May 10, you might get inspired to incorporate your newfound passion into your career!