Your Taurus Birthday Horoscope for May 13

If you were born on May 13, you have a childlike wonder about you! You see the world in its most natural, innocent, and playful state. It's easy for you to find the joy and excitement in life. This is a wonderful way to be! Just remember to face the challenges that you encounter head-on. Don't look to others, pout in a corner, or get a case of the boo-hoos when life throws a curveball your way. You have all the strength and courage to tackle your own adversities.

May 13 Taurus at Their Best: Natural, playful, unrestricted

May 13 Taurus at Their Worst: Dependent, erratic, depressed

More Taurus Insight

More For Taurus Birthdays

Read more Taurus Birthday advice below or read more about Taurus here!

What to Wear: Anything plush, leather or suede -- even if it's hot outside. Due to the foodie tendencies of this birthday honoree, you might also consider an expandable waistband.

What to Eat: Taurus lives for sensual pleasure, so deliver it with several courses of creamy, rich and savory dishes -- and don't forget the wine!

Who to Invite: Taurus might pretend to not care who comes, but unless you invite everybody on this territorial person's buddy list, you could be in for some sulking.

Where to Go: Pick a venue that at least looks posh. Taurus always likes to experience a nothing but the best kind of birthday.

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