Taurus Zodiac Sign Traits
Successful, sensual, and sensible, Taurus the Bull wants to indulge in anything it can touch, smell, and taste!

Tarot Card:
The Hierophant
Bull's Head
Ruling Planet:
Ruling House:
2nd House of Worth

More About Taurus
Taurus knows how to slow down and appreciate the finer things in life. The stable Bull is both patient and determined, leading a life that’s balanced with hard work and great reward. Taurus is also known for being stubborn, but it's not about standing in the way -- Taurus' stubbornness comes through in its sense of determination. Refusing to give up, Taurus will push through to the end, no matter what tries to block its path. Careful and low-risk, the Bull knows that slow and steady wins the race.
What we love about Taurus
Taurus' sensual nature and love of beauty, food, and art makes the world a more pleasurable place for everyone.
Why Taurus drives us nuts
Stubborn Taurus never gives up and always holds their ground -- even when they're wrong!
Taurus advice
You love the finer things in life, but don't forget to seek beauty beyond material possessions, too.
Taurus celebrities
George Clooney, Adele, Tina Fey, Mark Zuckerberg, Jessica Alba, Channing Tatum, Cate Blanchett and David Beckham all have Taurus as their Sun sign.
Insight for Taurus
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Taurus' Tarot Card: The Hierophant
Taurus’ grounded side is emphasized in its Tarot card, The Hierophant. This card encourages the expansion and teaching of higher knowledge and practical skill. The Hierophant is the connection between heaven and earth, turning sacred knowledge into something usable and realistic. Taurus’ incredible sense of progress and understanding follows this guidance of The Hierophant, to embrace beauty and presence in real, everyday life.
Learn more about Taurus' connection with The Hierophant »
Taurus' Symbol: Bull's Head
Taurus is represented by the Bull, which can be seen in its glyph that represents the head and horns of the Bull. The Bull is a strong and powerful animal that slowly and steadily pushes its way forward, and stands its ground with confidence. Just like the nature of Taurus, the Bull is a stubborn and persuasive force, to be respected and admired for its determination.
Taurus' Ruling Planet: Venus
The sensual planet Venus embraces its earthy side as it rules over the zodiac sign Taurus. Known as the Goddess of Love in Roman mythology, Venus embodies beauty, seduction, sexuality, and the female powers of persuasion. In Astrology, Venus is known as the love planet, and enjoys having all its senses entertained. Taurus is a luxurious and physical sign with a sensual nature and a love of beauty. The planet Venus coaxes practical Taurus to embrace its desires and indulge in physical gratification.
Learn more about the planet Venus »
Taurus' Ruling House: 2nd House of Worth
Cha-ching! Taurus, being the second sign of the zodiac, rules the 2nd House of Worth. In Astrology, the 2nd House of Worth is a representation of your values -- money, first and foremost, but also the things you value and find beautiful, and your own sense of self-worth. Taurus’ love of luxury, beauty, and material indulgence is represented strongly in this house.
Learn more about the 2nd House »

Taurus' Element: Earth
Taurus is a zodiac sign grounded by the element of Earth. The Bull’s desire for the finer things like indulgent foods and nice possessions grows from the Earth element’s carnal connection to the physical senses. Like a lush, green pasture, Taurus finds comfort in rich and harmonious things. The element of Earth continually encourages Taurus’ appreciation for and attunement to bodily pleasures. Earth will also strengthen this sign’s command for preserving physical security and stability.
Learn more about the Earth signs »
Taurus' Color: Green
Taurus is a zodiac sign grounded by the element of Earth. The Bull’s desire for the finer things like indulgent foods and nice possessions grows from the Earth element’s carnal connection to the physical senses. Like a lush, green pasture, Taurus finds comfort in rich and harmonious things. The element of Earth continually encourages Taurus’ appreciation for and attunement to bodily pleasures. Earth will also strengthen this sign’s command for preserving physical security and stability.
Learn more about zodiac sign colors »
Taurus' Quality: Fixed
As the second sign of spring, Taurus uses the energy of its Fixed quality to hold down the weight of the season. Fixed signs are consistent forces. Taurus’ strength and patience carries and gently pushes the season along while still remembering to stop and smell the roses. As a slow-moving and sturdy zodiac sign, Taurus allows us to enjoy and relish in these rejuvenating months. Our physical senses are in full bloom during spring, and sensual Taurus loves the smell, look, and feel of new life growing all around!
Learn more about the sign qualities »
Born on the Taurus Cusp
If you're born about three days before or after the Sun changes signs, you're "on the cusp" and you might find that you possess personality traits from your neighboring sign. According to The Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek, each cusp period has a name that reflects the distinct energy it carries.
April 17-23
The Cusp of Power

If you're born on the Aries-Taurus cusp, you're an opinionated force to be reckoned with! Read more »
May 17-23
The Cusp of Energy

People born on the Taurus-Gemini cusp are packed with persuasive and youthful energy! Read more »
Taurus Horoscopes
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