Evelyn the Earth Fairy
Meet the most hearty Winter Solstice fairy!
Earth is the element of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn in Astrology. In Tarot, the Earth element is associated with the Suit of Coins or Pentacles (which represents our resources and the capacity to relax, attuning to the rhythms of nature within and without).
The Winter Solstice is especially meaningful for Evelyn, because this magical event is triggered by the Sun's movement into steadfast Capricorn -- an Earth sign.
Evelyn the Earth Fairy is productive and pragmatic, and she is focused on how she may be of service to plan a feast or celebration. Although she may be a bit dour at times, this fairy loves to feel useful by contributing something substantial -- even measurable -- for the occasion.
Earth is a grounding energy, so Evelyn celebrates the Winter Solstice by cooking hearty foods -- to keep everyone well fed through the long winter months. Industrious Evelyn knows that a good solstice celebration will also need some grounding: well-packed earth on which partiers can dance; some sturdy logs on which the young and old can sit; and branches, twigs and aromatic flowers to add to the bonfire to keep everyone warm and happy.
Who else but Evelyn can inspire us to fully appreciate these gifts from Mother Earth?
Fun facts about Evelyn the Earth Fairy:
Special Fairy Power: Can heal plants and make them grow with the touch of her hand.
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Favorite Tarot Deck: Herbal Tarot
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Saying: "To every thing there is a season."