Capricorn Zodiac Sign Traits
Slow and steady, cool and calculating, Capricorn is a hardworking and successful force to be reckoned with!

Tarot Card:The Devil
Glyph:The Mountain Goat
Ruling Planet:Saturn
Ruling House:10th House of Career

Color:Grey & Brown
More About Capricorn
The Mountain Goat has a destination in mind and will stop at nothing to reach its goal. They combine their traditional methods with powerful determination to climb the ladder of success each and every day. Caring, conservative Capricorn is a great leader and a dedicated provider. They like to play hard, and work harder.
What we love about Capricorn
Capricorn is a caring provider and staunch protector of those they love. If there's a Cap in your life, your material needs will be well taken care of
Why Capricorn drives us nuts
Capricorn can be so hardworking and driven to succeed that they neglect their loved ones. They also can be too rigid, and tend to frown even when they're happy
Capricorn advice
Try to be more flexible and appreciate what you have. Don't forget to value your friends, family, and personal relationships as much as you do your career success
Capricorn celebrities
David Bowie, Bradley Cooper, Liam Hemsworth, Betty White, John Legend, Orlando Bloom, Denzel Washington, Elvis Presley, and Martin Luther King Jr.
Insight for Capricorn
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Capricorn's Tarot Card: The Devil
Capricorn’s cycle of neverending work and its need to succeed is represented in its Tarot card, The Devil. This Tarot card often pictures Pan, the half-man/half-goat nature god, reigning over a dark and fiery hell. Capricorn’s constant need to get to the top -- no matter what -- can often make this sign feel like a victim of circumstances. Much like the Mountain Goat’s tireless and eternal work ethic, The Devil is about feeling trapped or stuck and creating our own personal hell.
Learn more about Capricorn's connection with The Devil »
Capricorn's Symbol: The Mountain Goat
Up, up, up goes that Goat! Capricorn is represented by the Mountain Goat. The Mountain Goat is an incredibly driven creature that will climb to impossible heights with ease and enthusiasm. Just like Capricorn, the Mountain Goat sets its destination and, through self-will and determination, will perpetually search for solid footing until it reaches the top.
Capricorn's Ruling Planet: Saturn
Seriously, Saturn! The planet Saturn rules over the zodiac sign Capricorn with a serious hand. In Roman mythology, Saturn was the god who ruled over space and time, so in Astrology it’s no surprise he represents limits and lessons. This planet brings out the traditional side of Capricorn, enhancing its practical nature to ensure the Goat takes calculated steps toward success. As the planet of karma, Saturn says that if you put in the work, you will be rewarded, and that’s what Capricorn is all about.
Learn more about Saturn »
Capricorn's Ruling House: 10th House of Career
As the 10th sign of the zodiac, Capricorn rules over the 10th House of Career. The 10th house has a powerful position at the top of the zodiac and is a representation of our career goals, ambitions, relationship to authority, and public status. Capricorn’s dynamic determination to succeed, work hard, and accomplish is strongly represented in this house. The Mountain Goat will stop at nothing to get to the top!
Learn more about the 10th House »

Capricorn's Element: Earth
The element of Earth keeps the zodiac sign Capricorn committed, disciplined, and hard-working. Capricorn embraces the Earth element’s reliable and sound sense of foundation. This sign often takes on the responsibility of being the glue that keeps its family, friends, and loved ones together. Just like a Goat on the side of a treacherous mountain, Capricorns put in extra effort and careful strategies to turn their dreams into realities.
Learn more about the Earth signs »
Capricorn's Color: Grey & Brown
Like a rough winter landscape, grey and brown are the colors of Capricorn. These strong but neutral colors represent Capricorn’s solidity, reliability, and traditionalism. A combination of extremes -- white and black -- grey enhances the conservative nature of Capricorn and its no-nonsense approach to life. Brown represents stability, and can greatly benefit the Goat’s steadfast determination as it strives to reach its goals.
Learn more about zodiac sign colors »
Capricorn's Quality: Cardinal
As a Cardinal sign, Capricorn welcomes us to a winter wonderland! Capricorn is the first sign of the winter season, and its natural initiative and drive stem from its Cardinal nature. Cardinal signs represent beginnings, and since we ring in the New Year under the sign of Capricorn, this Cardinal energy helps push us forward with hope and determination.
Learn more about the sign qualities »
Born on the Capricorn Cusp
If you're born about three days before or after the Sun changes signs, you're "on the cusp" and you might find that you possess personality traits from your neighboring sign. According to The Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek, each cusp period has a name that reflects the distinct energy it carries.
December 18-24
The Cusp of Prophecy

If you’re born on the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp, you’re a visionary that’s headed toward sure success! Read more »
January 16-23
The Cusp of Mystery

People born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp have vivid dreams and rich fantasies! Read more »
Capricorn Horoscopes
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