Your 2023 Sagittarius Yearly Horoscope
Find out what awaits you with our astrology predictions!
Your curiosity is usually insatiable, Sagittarius, but in 2023, it’s pumped up a notch. Get ready to learn more than you have in a long time. As the zodiac’s quintessential student, you’re embarking on a spiritual journey into the heart of your own personal history, and while all of this intellectual stimulation may keep you intrigued, your work life could get wildly busy.
Questions of heritage find answers with Saturn’s move to Pisces on March 7
Serious Saturn enters your 4th House of Ancestral Roots in early March, bringing your awareness and attention to your home zone. Any limitations in your living environment might start to feel extra claustrophobic. This is likely to inspire some changes for greater stability and comfort. You may plan a move, discover your origins using a DNA kit, or learn more about your early childhood conditioning while the planet of authority visits this part of your chart.
Pluto’s shift into Aquarius gives you the gift of gab
March invites potent Pluto into your 3rd House of Communication for the first and only time in your life. This is a colossal change that can stir your mind in ways it’s never experienced. Your natural affinity for big ideas can turn a little obsessive, making you want to read anything and everything.
At the same time, the way you talk, think, and text can bowl people over from the sheer weight of your words, which are more powerful than usual. You could decide to write a book or begin a podcast that impacts a whole generation, Sagittarius. Whatever you utter, people will listen and feel changed by it.
Some logistical shifts are on the way starting May 16
While you’re swimming the cerebral depths, Jupiter, your sign’s ruler, may have something else in mind. As it enters your 6th House of Work, Health, and Duties in mid-May, this jovial planet summons some joy into the routine aspects of your daily life. You might step into a bigger container regarding the work that you do, or perhaps you’ll find another job that feels like a better fit. Regardless, your schedule is blessed at the moment, so if you want to make your everyday experiences more joyful and expansive, you can certainly do so.
When Jupiter in your work zone squares Pluto in your communication zone on May 17, you may feel beyond ripe and ready to shift your schedule in a radical way. This is emphasized even more on June 1, when Jupiter joins the North Node and foreshadows a very busy and abundant future. One step at a time, though!
Watch for Venus’s touch when it comes to love and travel
A major change can come to your love life on or near the Total Solar Eclipse in your 5th House of Love, Pleasure, and Play on April 20. Note that eclipses can deliver their messages up to a month before or after the actual eclipse date, so stay on your toes as early as late March and through late May! If you’re single, you might meet someone who sweeps you off your feet quite suddenly. If you’re attached, the eclipse can revive a romantic spark and set your hearts on fire again.
Venus slows down and stations retrograde in your 9th House of Long-Distance Travel and Adventure between late July and early September, potentially putting a wrench in your summer plans. Any unexpected downtime can be used to reflect on what or who you want to attract into your life. If you do get away, you may run into an ex-lover out there on the road.
Close out the year under the guidance of Mercury Retrograde
2023 ends with a bangin’ Mercury Retrograde in your very own sign, so plan ahead and avoid any holiday travel hiccups. Your last-minute, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach may not serve you so well at that time. If you had to put your travel plans on hold earlier in the year, this is a great time to get away from it all without any daily responsibilities weighing you down. Get out your journal and put those New Year’s resolutions on paper.
That's how 2023 will shape up for everyone born under the sign of Sagittarius, but what can you expect on a personal level?