A couple shares a quiet moment against a floral background for the Scorpio 2023 love horoscope.

Your 2023 Scorpio Yearly Love Horoscope

Find out what energies await you with our 2023 love predictions.

Your relationships might have been through the wringer in recent years, but everything should even out in 2023 -- or at least start to do so. With the last gasp of an eclipse series that's had you in its grips since 2021, you've shed so much karma around romance and partnerships! Get ready to do things differently, Scorpio.

Keep your feet on the ground when Pluto shifts on March 23

With your ruler Pluto moving from your communication zone to your 4th House of Ancestral Roots, there could be a strong emphasis on psychological dynamics with a long-term lover from March to June. As stern Saturn shifts into your 5th House of Romance, you're ready to get serious about love, remembering to make it a priority instead of just an extra bonus.

Reveal ALL the major love energy headed your way in 2023 with personalized love predictions >> Reveal ALL the major love energy headed your way in 2023 with personalized love predictions >>

May brings some powerful transits with a Lunar Eclipse and Jupiter transit

The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on May 5 could feel like a finale for any unhealthy relationship behavior you used to engage in. But when expansive Jupiter moves into your 7th House of Alliances later that month, you'll be saying "Bring it on!" to any challenges. This is one of the best relationship transits you've had in the last 12 years, and it lasts through the end of 2023 and into early 2024. When Venus turns retrograde in your 10th House of Authority in July, you might experience some passive-aggressive moments with a lover or long-term partner, but this should lift after the love planet goes direct in early September.

Positive change is easier than ever during the Lunar Eclipse on October 28

The last eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio series that's caused so much romantic upheaval for you takes place on October 28 in your partnership zone. This should feel less like a shocking change beyond your control and much more like a smooth transition to something that you've wanted all along.

Lovely Venus arrives in your very own sign on December 4, bringing you lots of love, beauty, and affection during the final month of the year. There couldn't be a sweeter way to spend the holidays!

Ready to go beyond the Scorpio love horoscope for 2023? Get your PERSONALIZED Love Forecast now for a year's worth of romantic insight -- just for you! Ready to go beyond the Scorpio love horoscope for 2023? Get your PERSONALIZED Love Forecast now for a year's worth of romantic insight -- just for you!

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